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If you find Aquin 2.3 challenging to use and youre trying seeking clarity on how to use its features, youll find all your answers to all your queries over here.

Try Aquin 2.3 Now
  • How to use Aquin 2.3?
  • How to call AI?
  • How to generate images?
  • How to use Aquin Research?
  • How to generate prompts?
  • How to use YouTube summarizer?
The aero lesson builder app dragging an audio component into a screen about plant cells.

Aquin 2.3 Application

Aquin 2.3 is a PWA and it works seamlessly across all browsers. Upon launching the application, youll be directly directed to the login page, offering multiple options, Google, X, and e-mail, for your registration. After successfully logging in, youll get the access to app and then you can start exploring its features.

A beautilful vector art that contains triangle shapes with matte black and blue color

Voice Chats

Voice chats with Aquin! and communicate with realtime speech-to-text and text-to-speech, you also have the options to switch between languages with its multi-language functions. There are many voices to swtich from and settings to make your experience better.

A set of dark themed components for Experimental Features

Aquin Space Features

Meet the new Aquin Space features! YouTube Summarizer + Prompt Generator and more features like Import Export. Team Aquin is dedicatedly working to enhance these features daily!

A beautilful vector art that contains triangle shapes with matte black and blue color.

Aquin Research

Create a researched AI response that surpasses all previous outputs, pick a specific AI response in your conversation, then enter research mode to gather insights from up to 8 different generation tabs and different models. This diversity ensures a broad spectrum of ideas and perspectives, then employ one of four distinct combination methods, then finally youll receive the combined, refined and optimized researched final response. This response will excel in accuracy, depth, coherence, and relevance.

The homepage of Experimental Features docs website linking to principles and components.


Summarize lengthy conversations into concise summaries, enhance comprehension by presenting the main points and highlights of a conversation, streamline information retrieval, improve understanding, and boosts productivity.

The homepage of Experimental Features docs website linking to principles and components.
The homepage of Experimental Features docs website linking to principles and components.


Visual representation of complex conversations, enhanced comprehension, especially for discussions involving multiple topics or interconnected ideas. Boosting users creativity and ideation by transforming textual discussions into graphical formats that stimulate brainstorming and problem-solving. Documentation and knowledge management by creating structured diagrams or mind maps that can be saved, shared, and revisited later.

A beautilful vector art that contains triangle shapes with matte black and blue color.


Toggle between upto 4 different windows with a whole different types. You can multi-task and use text based generation, image generations, code generations, many other utility features all at once!

User-Friendly Settings

There are tons of options to enhance and customize your experience in various ways, from UI/UX settings to multi-language, voice, image generation. Just mess around and figure out your best Aquin settings!

A drag and drop storyboard style editor for creating an adaptive lesson.

Menu Features

Discover and try cool menu features! Play with different settings for dicovering new things. Try them all out! Aquin got a lot for you to explore!

Configuration options for a component.
Configuration options for text.

The Next Generation

Aquin stands out with its remarkable flexibility, welcoming users from all walks of life to live the next generation.

To Use

Aquin goes beyond boundaries, Whether youre on any device Aquin adapts to your preferences, ensuring a consistent and user friendly experience across different platforms. Excitingly, it doesnt stop there Aquin is gearing up to make its presence on Play Store and Microsoft Store.

To Use

Aquin opens up a world of possibilities by being accessible on any browser. Regardless of whether what you prefer, Aquin keeps a smooth and inclusive user experience.

Its Never Over

Aquin keeps getting better with amazing updates that go beyond expectations. Get ready for a continuous flow of exciting improvements that will make your experience even more incredible!